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Happy Valentines Day!

Waylon Jennings's song Back to the Basics of Love (Luckenbach, Texas) is one of my favorite country songs as it reminds me to focus on what is most important, love, and to let go of the things that get in the way of that. Love liberates us to be our best selves. It is the ultimate relationship builder as it frees from the entanglements of comparison, judgment, envy and selfish ambition.


Love is it— it is our simple yet hard-to-do calling as followers of Christ. Religion means nothing without love, and so do so many things. God's economy is love, and He prioritizes relationships.


Lent begins on Valentine's Day this year; how fitting it is to start our reflection on the greatest act of love 40 days before it happened.


Many churches observe Lent by fasting, meditating, and practicing their faith during the 40 days leading up to Easter, and I want to join in.


This year, I'm going to practice Lent by focusing on the greatest commandment that encapsulates all the others—Matthew 22: 37-39, "Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind… and Love your neighbor as yourself."


Our relationship with God is personal, so I plan to do something different this year. Each day, I want to focus on and thank God for what I love about Him and emulate His love by sharing that attribute with others. God's love enables us to be better lovers.


I never want to underestimate genuine love that generously honors, forgives, and refreshes others.


Please join me and share what you are doing for Lent this year. Hearing how God works in your other's lives makes my faith come alive.


Maybe it's time we got back to the basics of love.



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